Saturday, September 10, 2011

VA CA, Clinic, and First LA Lab!

This week was a busy one! On Tuesday I was the Clinic Assistant at the VA. I was actually really glad I got to be the CA so early on the semester because it gave me really good refresher for when I have VA clinic next week. I got a little more practice with the computers and the VA routine. On Thursday, both of my patients were class V's. My AM patient was a class III last semester, but we decided this appointment that she is now maintained (class V) mannn. I look forward to the day when I actually want my patients to have healthy teeth. As for the next year, I selfishly want unhealthy mouths from all of my patients! I am getting nervous about finding a mockboard patient. But I have to keep telling myself...somehow, everything will just work out! I was able to go the whole day without missing any spots, but I definitely need to speed up. I can't figure out what the heck my slow down is? I want to be more observant of myself next clinic day and see where I am wasting time. I am getting more comfortable with the ultrasonic, but I am still looking forward to more instruction on it in class next week. And finally, the Maxillary LA lab! Surprisingly, I was not very nervous for this lab. Everything went very smoothly both giving and receiving injections. It actually was kind of fun and Dr. Hanson said our group did a great job! My main goal for next week is, again, to decrease scale times. I need to watch the clock and see how long I am taking on each quad. I also would like to pass off at least one PE next week. Mostly, I need to find some more periodonatally involved patients!

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