Saturday, September 24, 2011

Finally a Class III!

This week in clinic I saw a class III patient who only spoke Spanish. I did have a translator for part of the appointment, but the rest of the appointment was very difficult. Somehow I managed! He was very nice and cooperative. Unfortunately, I was only able to get x-rays and the OD done because he was a little late and there just wasn't enough time to get him numb and to begin and finish a quad with how much calculus he has. I am glad I have finally found a more difficult patient! He is almost a mockboard patient, but has too many restorations. He is going to be coming back in a few weeks so I can get his cleaning started. In the afternoon, my patient was a returning patient who was previously a class III, but she is now a class V. She had a 10mm pocket in her UL quadrant which was quite difficult to access but the graceys are wonderful! I was able to get her all finished, but I did have a couple calculus errors. More lateral pressure Jodie!! In pod wrap we talked about chair positions, and going "back to basics" and remembering where we need to be sitting to access different areas so that ergonomics are in our favor and we are more likely to efficiently remove deposit. My goal for the next clinic session is to use more lateral pressure as I am scaling areas with calculus and to use more of an exploratory stroke everywhere else. Also, I would like to utilize oblique and horizontal overlapping strokes as well.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, you posted on all the things that I LOVE! Lateral pressure & pt operator positioning. You are going to make me cry (I am so proud).
