Friday, December 2, 2011

It's a Twista!!

Yesterday was last day of clinic for the semester. I know everyone says that Senior year flies by..but wow! It is going by so fast! Crazy wind storm today! 102 mph winds can't stop my sweet class III patient from coming to his appointment, bless his heart! I got 3 injections (PSA, MSA, ASA) and completed all of my semester requirements and required PE's. I did good on my PSA!! I was so excited when Alexander said that my angles looked great. I only missed one spot from his two quads and that made me so happy. What a great way to end the semester. Professor Alexander reminded me not to forget the finger twist at the end and to always keep that toe in contact with the tooth to reach all the way interproximal. Afternoon clinic was cancelled because of the wind, so that's all folks! My main goals for next semester are...get PE's done early, always remember my chair positions, have less errors, and improve my clinic posture. So far, I really love second year! Time to hit the Board Review books! Today taught me that wind can break cars. (and buildings. and trees. and people.)

Enjoy Christmas Break!

One semester left!!! :)